Friday 27 July 2012

The Lonar Holidays

The township of Lonar is one of the famous tourist destinations in the state of Maharashtra. Lonar lies at an mean elevation of 563 m. A famed place visited in the Buldhana locality, it is frequented by tourists and pilgrims alike, as it characteristics some very old shrines and tourism sites.

The region was a part of the Vidarbha Kingdom as mentioned in Mahabharata. diverse dynasties directed the district including Mauryan, Ashoka, Satavahana, Vakataka, Chalukya, Rashtrakuta and Yadava. In the 14th century, Muslim rule started when Alauddin Khilji conquered the region. The place visited was under the direct of Mughals during the 16th century, and by the 19th century, it came under the management of the British East India business.

According to historians, the Lonar Crater was primarily found out in 1823 by British boss, J.E. Alexander, whereas the location has several mentions in ancient scripts, which encompass the Skanda Puran, the Padma Puran and the Aaina-i-Akbari.

A salt water lake in basaltic rock, renowned as Lonar Crater and lagoon, stands on the location of the crater. wealthy in flora and fauna, the location is a environment of some species of birds. The worship centre, Daitya Sudan Temple, which is constructed identical to Khajuraho temples, is a prominent site of Lonar. Motha Maruti, a shrine dedicated to Lord Hanuman, is constructed around a magnetic rock that was formed by hypervelocity meteorite influence.

The town hosts a equitable called Chaitra Masa Suklapaksha Navami at Shegaon on Rama Navami during the months of stride or April every year. The culture of the place visited can be seen in its folk creative pursuits including Bhajan, Kirtan and Gondhal. The major dialects voiced are Korku, Hindi and Marathi.

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